Toxic or Just Difficult?
relationships Rebecca McCartney relationships Rebecca McCartney

Toxic or Just Difficult?

When a Christian finds herself interacting with a person who truly fits the definition of toxic I’ve proposed, it can be difficult to know how to interact. I get the question often asking if it’s even ok for believers to set emotional, time or material boundaries in a relationship, especially one that you’ve determined is toxic. My short answer is not only do I think it’s ok, I believe it’s the most loving way to behave in relationships. Let me explain.

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Forgiving Me
relationships Rebecca McCartney relationships Rebecca McCartney

Forgiving Me

Forgiving yourself for sins, poor choices, or the ways you’ve caused others pain is certainly hard. It’s scary to forgive yourself, but you’re worthy of forgiveness.

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Forgiving You
relationships Rebecca McCartney relationships Rebecca McCartney

Forgiving You

Forgiveness, and choosing acceptance rather than resentment, brings freedom. Freedom from resentment, bitterness, and anger. Forgiveness allows us to choose again. It allows us to develop other tools, like healthy boundaries to provide a sense of emotional and physical safety. It allows us to integrate our trauma into our lives and not let the trauma or unforgiveness rule our behavior anymore.

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Acting As If
coping strategies Rebecca McCartney coping strategies Rebecca McCartney

Acting As If

“Intentionally act like the person you want to become.” Mel Robbins

This quote from author and motivational speaker Mel Robbins, is a beautiful way to explain a type of cognitive behavioral therapy called behavior activation. It’s not a new idea, but is a powerful way of creating change from the outside-in.

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Responding To Tragedy
coping strategies Rebecca McCartney coping strategies Rebecca McCartney

Responding To Tragedy

One sign of emotional growth is learning to respond rather than react. We choose how we want to respond to a situation rather than allow an unfettered reaction. One of the most important ways to do this is to allow some time to pass between the event and the response.

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Releasing Control
anxiety Rebecca McCartney anxiety Rebecca McCartney

Releasing Control

Routine helps us feel in control. It gives us a sense of predictability that is comforting. We all, children and adults alike, thrive when we know what we can expect. Not knowing what the future holds creates uncertainty that can be very scary and cause anxiety.  

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Mental load
anxiety Rebecca McCartney anxiety Rebecca McCartney

Mental load

Planning, organizing, scheduling, maintaining, remembering, preventing, and reminding.  These are all parts of our mental load that have little to do with our actual physical tasks. 

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Holiday dread?
relationships Rebecca McCartney relationships Rebecca McCartney

Holiday dread?

Holiday dread? Holidays have a lot of inherent pressure built in. There’s build up to a particular moment or day, not to mention all the memories associated with holidays, often both joyful and painful. The emphasis on gratitude during the holiday season can also be difficult for many when they’re grieving the loss of a loved one or experiencing current pain in their life.

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unconditional, redeeming love
faith Rebecca McCartney faith Rebecca McCartney

unconditional, redeeming love

When God says, “I will forgive them for leaving me and will love them freely”, He means it.  Don’t sit in the feeling that comes when you leave.  Recognize your sin, get up, turn toward Him, and accept the forgiveness and acceptance that was already given to you by God through Jesus.  Do it a hundred times a day if you must.  He’s waiting with his unconditional, redeeming love.

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trauma basics
trauma Rebecca McCartney trauma Rebecca McCartney

trauma basics

Many of us have unprocessed pain resulting from traumatic childhood experiences. These experiences have shaped us and our belief system, our view of others and how relationships function. If we never process these events, we miss a great opportunity to heal, grow, and experience more abundant, joyful relationships.

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too busy?
coping strategies Rebecca McCartney coping strategies Rebecca McCartney

too busy?

Being busy, active, and about the work God has set out for you to do individually, and as a part of the body of Christ is good. Allowing yourself to become so busy that your purpose feels muddled, however, can be a sign to slow down, allow yourself to reassess and rest.

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Wise Anger
coping strategies Rebecca McCartney coping strategies Rebecca McCartney

Wise Anger

The emotion of anger itself is neutral. It’s part of human experience to feel angry just like it’s part of human experience to feel happy. But when our alarm bell is triggered with the emotion of anger, what happens next?

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